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Community Impact Center (formerly known as The REAL Church) was founded in the summer of 2011 by Apostle McCoy and Co-Pastor Shamika Eaton. Listening to the call of the Lord through the trusted voice of their aunt, Apostle Glynn Lawson, they set out to obey the Lord by conducting bible studies within the living room of their tiny apartment. After building the attendees of bible study and membership of the ministry, Bishop-Elect Eaton was officially installed as senior pastor of REAL Gospel Outreach Ministry (The REAL Church) in September 2012 by Bishop Darrin Christopher Johnson. 

After being officially installed, Apostle and Co-Pastor Eaton found a meeting space in the Henrico, VA area for the church family to come together for service and bible study. As The REAL Church has been a strong outreach ministry for years as they operated around the city of Richmond, VA. We are a church that loves serving the communities within the city and counties of Richmond. As the heartbeat of The REAL Church was to serve people and not just to have service God lead, the now, Apostle Eaton to change the name of the church to Community Impact Center. 


Community Impact Center has, since, become a stronger outreach church. Every 3rd Sunday of each month is dedicated to being out of the four walls of the church. We go and serve our communities every 3rd Sunday whether we Feed the Homies (Homeless), deliver clothing to the less fortunate, clean up trash in the neighborhoods, or just have a community cookout. Apostle and Co-Pastor has always said that their main goal is not to build our church but to build the kingdom. With that thought, we are a church that believes that one will often have to answer a physical need before you're able to work on the spiritual need.  

With our church having a servants heart and mentality, we have implemented programs to help people with their financial freedom, to help people get their rights restored, to help challenge our congregation to work on their physical health, and to teach etiquette as well as a myriad of classes for spiritual growth.  CIC has become a place to groom leaders and help people find out who they really are in the world and in the kingdom. As of right now, Community Impact Center is one church with 3 campuses in 3 different cities and is still expanding it's borders to other regions. We lovingly call our ministry the Development Center. God sends those who need to heal and once they heal, they are released back out into the fight for the kingdom. 



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